The Golden Hour - A7SII + Canon 50mm 1.2(1.3)

I hooked up with Jacob Hinmon and Jeremy Pair at meet-up they started called Tuesday on Tillamook. There were about 15 of us and we all split into groups and went to shoot photos. The group I was in drove out to Sauvies Island along the Willamette river and chased the golden rays until they dissipated. I used my Canon 1.2(1.3) and took some intimate portraits of my group members. The reason I have 1.3 in parentheses is because the sony A7SII doesn’t have any aperture recognition under F1.3. I found a blog post from Brian Smith that touches on this a little and makes me less confused about it… 

PLEASE NOTE: By default Sony cameras display 1/3 stops but F1.2 is a half stop. When the next two lenses are wide open, F1.3 will be displayed even though you’re actually shooting at F1.2. If this bugs and you really NEED it to say ONE POINT TWO, do this: 

  • 1. Set the EV dial is set to Zero 
  • 2. Change this setting: Menu > Camera Settings > Exposure Step > 0.5 EV

Overall, I had a great time networking & meeting other local photogs & creatives. I definitely left inspired and excited to come back next week with a better idea of what I want to shoot.

Using Format